Monday, March 22, 2010

Fail at Life

AHHH!!! BLUUURRRGGHH! Why is the HSC so hard T.T
I should have dropped out when I had the chance. Im failing....EVERYTHING
Fml T.T
Sorry had to go on a rant, thank christ it will be over soon :D


  1. dont freak out! You will be fine. Just enjoy it as your final year of school before joining the real world.

  2. boy i cannot wait for the real world :D dont worry i just dont think im gonna do too well in these exams, but they count for the least

  3. Hey there kiddo you'll be fine. ruby is right enjoy this as your final year of school. don't stress!!!!

  4. u better do good coz ur the best one and only charlotte rose mark stevens the big baby miss you wanna come up wahhhhhhhhhhh wanna c you whahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
