Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Okay, so the HSC really isn't my thing. Worst exam so far was probably ancient history. I ran out of time and missed an 8 mark question, as in i didn't even know it existed. Found out today though that 8 mark question was a fail anyway because they made a big mistake in the it could work to my favour that I didn't answer it at all :)
But I just don't care anymore. I just want it to be over! And it will on Nov 5th :D
Soooo excited! Two weeks after I will be rolling with mah homies in Bali <3
It's gonna be an epic schoolies o3o

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fail at Life

AHHH!!! BLUUURRRGGHH! Why is the HSC so hard T.T
I should have dropped out when I had the chance. Im failing....EVERYTHING
Fml T.T
Sorry had to go on a rant, thank christ it will be over soon :D

Friday, February 26, 2010


Whenever I get extremely bored, like today at work, I draw. I'm not the best but I like to share my pictures. At the moment I draw Sailor Moon characters because my friends and I are extremely lame and have called ourselves the sailor moon crew. We each have a sailor scout nickname. I'M SAILOR MOON CHAMPION OF JUSTICE. xD
Hey its all for fun :)